About Us

Twisted Vine at Guice Farm


Twisted Vine at Guice Farm's first wedding was the most memorable.  It was August of 2020 when North Louisiana was hit hard by Hurricane Laura.  Strong winds and large pine trees don't mix!  My daughter's best friend's wedding was two days after the hurricane and unfortunately, her venue was out of electricity and water.  Without hesitation, a group of us got our heads together and knew what to do - we would host her special day at our barn.  After frantic cleaning and moving things around, the night turned out wonderful.  Twisted Vine Venue was born!

Guice FArm

We are Johnny and Donna Guice.  We have lived on this land for 43 years and counting!  Our two children were raised here in Point, LA, and grew up showing livestock.  I'm bragging, but they were very good at showing their cattle and pigs.  We had fun with some wild animal tales to tell.  I am a retired teacher and Johnny is retired from construction and currently working with cattle.  The children have grown and are pursuing other things than cows and pigs.  Jordan is a trauma surgeon in the US ARMY and Faith is a 4th grade math teacher.  We have 4 adorable grandchildren, 2 girls and 2 boys!  As Christians, our church family and all the activities we do with our church is very important to us. BASEBALL is another favorite pastime.  In Spring, you will find us at JC LOVE field watching the Louisiana Tech Diamond Dawgs - faithful season ticket holders! 

 Looking forward to meeting you when you come to visit TWISTED VINE AT GUICE FARM.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 --Donna Guice